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Have you heard of Morocco's Kara prison, a peculiar place ?


Morocco's Kara prison is a popular tourist destination

The underground prison of Qara is located in Meknes, Morocco.

Morocco's Kara prison

The only prison in the world without doors, windows, or locks, Qara consists of endless corridors and arches that lead to very complex labyrinths, as each hall has several corridors, and each corridor leads to another hall, making it nearly impossible for the penetrator to find his way out again, to the point where the prisoners did not dare to escape.

It is a prison erected by Sultan Ismail bin Sharif to contain instigators of unrest and struggle, particularly his opponents. It's a prison that's completely underground. It was constructed in the shape of a maze of passageways. Each hall includes multiple passageways, each of which connects to another hall, making it extremely difficult to return to your starting point. It is said that no one has ever escaped from this prison alive.

The prison's exact coordinates is still unknown.. Some claim it is the size of Meknes, while others claim it stretches for tens of kilometers underground.
Perhaps this is the only prison without a door in the entire globe!

So, how can prisoners gain entry?

The main hall of the prison includes a hole in the ceiling through which convicts were thrown and food was provided to them. If the prison was a life prison, and there is a story that states the Sultan built a way out somewhere for the prisoners, and whomever finds it gets set free.

A questioner may inquire as to why this prison has not been thoroughly investigated in order to uncover all of its mysteries. The reason for this is straightforward: no one would dare. According to common opinion, the prison is either haunted or cursed. If it exists, try to find it. This is a list of French explorers during the 1990s. To study the depths of Qara's imprisonment, this skilled crew gathered all of the most up-to-date gear and technology. As a result, their surnames have taken on a life of their own. After this incident, she sealed it off with a concrete wall, leaving only one hall open to visitors.

mysterious prison

ara prison is a mystery that has perplexed many lovers of discovery and adventure; it is said that the inside is missing and the outside is born, and it is one of the most strange and terrifying prisons in the world; despite all of these terrifying stories, it has become a huge attraction for tourists from Europe and America, with 95 percent of visitors to Meknes visiting the prison to see the permitted portion.

the noun prison

Stories differ about the prison’s naming, and some sources say that the name is taken from the title of a Portuguese prisoner who obtained from Sultan Moulay Ismail a promise to liberate him, if he succeeded in building a prison that accommodates more than 40 thousand prisoners, while other sources indicate, (which is weak) that this name belongs to To the era of protection, it is reported that a man who was a bald guard was guarding the prison at that time, and the name of the prison was associated with him in the sense that “Qara” is

layout of a prison

The website of the Moroccan Ministry of Culture and Communication indicates that this prison was "designed in the form of a semi-rectangular, divided into three very spacious halls, each of which was endowed with a set of huge arches and buttresses."

A story about prison

According to legend, it was "buried," as Moroccans say, which refers to the underground reservoir, and subsequently turned into a prison during one of the city's most difficult political eras. A prison for foreign soldiers lay beneath the earth, and above it was a hall for receiving diplomats and negotiating with them concerning captives, and the ambassadors had no idea that their inmates were beneath their feet.

Sultan's detainees

It is reported that over two million inmates were thrown into it during the course of its history, and that Sultan Moulay Ismail instructed the Portuguese "Qara" to build a secret route for the captives' escape, and that if one of the convicts discovered this channel, his penalty would be his release. According to one historical historian, the Sultan's prisoners were Spaniards, Portuguese, and Irish who were carried to Meknes by pirates from the Moroccan city of Salé, and he utilised their crafts in the construction of walls, mosaics, and other Ismaili palace procedures.

a prisoner's curse

Residents of Meknes claim that the prison is haunted by ghosts, that the spirits of the city's earliest inhabitants circulate within it, and that curses surround it, making it a dreadful location where it is difficult to survive for several days. Moroccan officials barricaded the prison with a concrete wall in the 1990s, leaving only one chamber open to tourists.

The jail was closed as a result of a team of French explorers attempting to plumb the depths of Qara prison with all of the necessary instruments and contemporary equipment. The team vanished as a result of this, and its fate is still unknown to this day. 


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