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Benefits of berries to lose weight for the bride


Recent studies have proven that berries play a significant role in losing color and not, as some believe, increasing weight, as it was discovered that it is characterized by some antioxidants, some nutrients, and various other nutrients that are useful for this.
Benefits of berries for the bride

Furthermore, berries have low calories and enzymes that help you feel full and satiated after eating, thus we recommend that every bride who desires a gorgeous and slender body use the benefits of berries to lose weight, whether before or after the wedding.

From this perspective, we will learn in detail about the benefits of berries in terms of weight loss for the bride from Dr. Shukri Amr, a nutrition and alternative medicine expert from Cairo.

The significance of berries in terms of weight reduction
  • Berries' weight-loss benefits for the bride
  • How to take advantage of berries to lose the bride.

The significance of berries in terms of weight reduction

Dr. Amr explained that eating berries without any other additives, such as sugar, or with ice cream or other sweets, will help the bride lose weight. As a result, the bride's consumption of berries in their fresh form or sugar-free juice, as part of a healthy diet and in moderation, will provide her with a number of benefits, the most important of which is:

During the stages of weight loss, the benefits of berries help the bride feel full for lengthy periods of time.

Berries contain a high percentage of fiber and water, both of which are beneficial for burning body fat and losing weight for the bride.

During the bride's weight loss stages, the benefits of berries help to slow digestion and control blood sugar levels.

Berry benefits supply the bride's body with a variety of vitamins that can help improve the bride's skin and hair health during the slimming process, whether before or after marriage.

How to take advantage of berries to lose the bride.

Dr. Amr recommended that the bride consume modest amounts of berries and see her specialist doctor to include their advantages into her healthy diet, which is tailored to her body type and health condition. However, the bride can benefit from the benefits of berries in the following ways:

Add the benefits of berries to your breakfast to naturally reduce weight, especially when combined with yogurt or oats, O bridal.

Enjoy the benefits of berries as a snack, bride, by combining strawberries with sunflower seeds, walnuts, or chickpeas to receive sufficient protein to lose weight in a healthy manner.

Do not mind if you profit from the benefits of berries in salads or low-calorie fruits to improve metabolism and burn dangerous fats during the stages of weight loss before or after marriage, dear bride.

Studies on the benefits of berries

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2012 found that eating berries helps to control blood sugar levels. The study involved a group of people who were given a meal containing berries and table sugar, and it was discovered that a high level of sugar and insulin in the blood contributed to poor blood sugar control. The spike was lower after eating berries with sugar than after eating sugar alone.

According to a lab study published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry in 2014, berries have significant levels of anthocyanins, which are antioxidants with anti-inflammatory effects, lowering illness risk.

According to a study published in Nutrition Reviews in 2018, the extract of whole berries improves the immune system and digestive system's function by increasing helpful bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and decreasing the amount of tissues. Malignant tissue, premalignant tissue, and its size, which may indicate the likelihood of ingesting berries in conjunction with the medication used to lower the risk of digestive and immune system disorders.

According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2014, berries may help to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The study included 2332 men, none of whom had diabetes or fasting blood sugar level disorders, and they were followed up on to see if they developed type 2 diabetes. Because of the link between diabetes and the consumption of various fruits and vegetables, the study found that males who eat berries are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Berry consumption is linked to lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and blood pressure, according to a comprehensive study published in Scientific Reports in 2016. 22 research involving 1,251 persons found that eating berries is linked to lower levels of LDL and blood pressure. Blood pressure, systolic blood pressure, and other heart disease indicators

Due to the presence of polyphenols and anthocyanins in berries, which may contribute to lowering DNA damage, an in vitro study published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research in 2007 found minimal evidence that berry consumption is connected with a reduced risk of cancer. DNA), which may prevent cancer cells from forming, although human studies were insufficient to demonstrate this impact.


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